N'This is not so much a response to the'magazine, as a response to people'responding to me. If people don't want'me (that's Flick, incase you hadn't'realized, and, before you think "Oh,'fuck this, I'm not reading this because'Flick's writing it", please do: it's'you I'm addressing it to.) (Anyway...)'to be writing in this 'zine, then fine,'fair enough, you don't. If you really,'really, really don't, then write to'Carl, or write to me, and say so. Fine,'I hardly write anything anyway, so it's'not as though Carl will miraculously'not have anything in the 'zine.'(Although, having said that, it's'largely because of people writing what'I consider to be unneccisarily unkind,'not to mention personal, things about'me that I really almost don't want to'have any content. I'm sorry, but I'don't want to be slagged off about'things which I wrote just because'they've decided that, this week, they
don't like me.)
'On a more specific level, yes, Pirate'DJ is unfinished, the reason that Carl'didn't realize this is because I didn't'tell him: I didn't realize that he was'going to put it in. If I had, then I'certainly would have told him not to,'for the benifit of those of you who'don't seem to like my name. And, to'those people who, in between saying'that it was crap and saying that it was'crap, said it "wasn't as good as my old'stuff", I offer me sincearest0appologies. Unfortunately, it
[22m "my'old stuff." Better luck with the'insults next time. I'll tell you what,'I'll write something new, and you can'tell me what you think. By which I
mean, tell me how crap it is.
'In response to Andrew whatever-your-'name-is (and I'll use hyphens, or'dashes, or whatever they are, as much'as I like, thanks Neale (?), sorry, but'I'm not "doing" english.), who has'never met nor, as far as I can'remember, had any correspondance with'me, I'd love to know why you keep'writing limericks about me. I dare say'that it's in response to all of the
lovely tales....
Anyway, I'm done
moaning, for now.
Hey, let's just get
it over with: why0not have a vote. Anyone who
[22m me in'this, or any other, 'zine, write and'tell Carl. There, I've even saved the'rest of you from having to type my
[37mOkay people, consider your letters to'the editor responses in the Question-'naire as your votes for Flick. "*"s if'you want her Column, fiction and'articles back, "!"s if you don't. And'if anyone does want to write to Flick'instead of me, her last known address'can be found in the Contributors' list. Err, what's new, Flick? Ed.